🚧 Please bear with us until the 1.0.0 release 🚧
🔧 Components



The components shown in this section represent the default components, and normally would be over-ridden and not directly instantiated. They are shown here to help identify where they appear within Schedulely, and to aid in developing custom versions.

The example code may contain additional elements that are not used or necessary within the context of the actual component(Schedulely), but are necessary to display an example.


Schedulely is comprised of a number of smaller components that all work together to display the overall component. Care has been taken to make sure these can be easily over-ridden.

The default components contain very little behavior outside of simply being displayed. Implementing things such as onClick handlers or selection is entirely up to the end user. While the Default components can be restyled, the approach we recommend is creating custom components for the display and actions that your project requires.

The default components aren't really extensible. For example, the default event component onClick handler just prints the event data in to the console. As a consumer, you would extend the EventComponent interface to implement your own Event component that has the behavior you require.

All default components have interfaces available, and custom components can be passed in via the schedulelyComponents property.

Overriding Components


Care should be taken when styling custom components. The underlying calendar layout is flexible, but it can still be broken.

If you do decide to use custom components, your implementation is just passed into the constructor.

Components are individually overridden so if you create a custom DayComponent, you only need to pass in that DayComponent. Default components are used if they are not explicitly overridden.

    dark={localStorage.getItem('theme') === 'dark'}
      dayComponent: <ComponentThatInheritsDayComponent>,
      headerComponent: <ComponentThatInheritsHeaderComponent>,
      eventComponent: <ComponentThatInheritsEventComponent>,


The following interfaces should be used to craft custom components to be used in Schedulely.

DayComponentRepresents a single Day on the calendar
EventComponentSingle event on the calendar
HeaderComponentThe toolbar that appears at the top of the calendar