🚧 Please bear with us until the 1.0.0 release 🚧
🎨 Themes


Themes can be applied by passing in the correct theme name to the theme property on Schedulely. Additional themes can be easily added by creating a new *.css file and importing it where Schedulely is initialized. If you create any nice looking themes, please consider submitting them via PR.

Example Theme:

/* my-theme.css */
/* light theme */
.schedulely[data-theme='my-theme'] {
  --schedulely-current-month-bg-color: rgb(112, 112, 112);
  --schedulely-sibling-month-bg-color: #2b2b2b;
  --schedulely-day-of-week-header-bg-color: white;
  --schedulely-day-of-week-header-text-color: black;
  --schedulely-font-color: black;
/* dark variant */
.schedulely[data-theme='my-theme'][data-dark] {
  --schedulely-current-month-bg-color: rgb(112, 112, 112);
  --schedulely-sibling-month-bg-color: #2b2b2b;
  --schedulely-day-of-week-header-bg-color: black;
  --schedulely-day-of-week-header-text-color: white;
  --schedulely-font-color: white;
import './my-theme.css';
<Schedulely ... theme="my-theme" dark={true} />

Included Themes

Themes can be demoed in the Storybook application by changing the theme prop to one of the following values:

  • default: typical calendar layout
  • minimal: minimal theme, similar to google calendar

Both included themes have dark modes available.

CSS Variables

There are a variety of CSS variables OOTB that should be used in custom components if you wish theming to still work correctly.

--schedulely-current-month-bg-colorbackground color of the current month's days
--schedulely-sibling-month-bg-colorbackground color of the sibling month's days
--schedulely-font-colorfont color unless specified by another CSS variable
--schedulely-grid-gapgap between the calendar grid elements
--schedulely-day-of-week-header-bg-colorthe background color of the header that lists the days of the week
--schedulely-day-of-week-header-text-colorthe foreground color of the header that lists the days of the week
--schedulely-border-colorcolor of the border that divides the calendar grid
--schedulely-borderhow borders within the calendar appear
--schedulely-border-radiusexterior border radius of the calendar

Variable UI Locations

TBD: Screenshot pointing out these variable targets

CSS Overrides

All styles are delivered through the schedulely/dist/index.css file, which should be imported either at the global scope of your React project, or in the individual component where Schedulely is used. Any styles can easily be overridden by creating a copy of this stylesheet, and changing the values you would like to change.