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🔨 Usage
Custom Event Data

Custom Event Data

If you want to pass additional data to each event object, you can define the data property by supplying the generic parameter of CalendarEvent. This can be useful if you create custom Day or Event components.


The default Day/Event components will not display custom data, though it will be available through onClick handlers.

// custom `data` prop type
type MyCustomData = { customProp1: boolean };
// event data
const storyEvents: CalendarEvent<MyCustomData>[] = [
    color: '#4b578a',
    end: '2022-09-09T16:07:22.292Z',
    id: 'f147',
    start: '2022-09-08T16:07:22.292Z',
    summary: 'Craig Bishop',
    data: {
      customProp1: true,
 * This is a custom event component that has a strongly-typed `data` prop.
 * It will print the customProp value to the console
export const CustomEvent: EventComponent<MyCustomData> = ({
}) => {
  const classes = ['event'];
  if (isHovered) classes.push('event-selected');
  console.log(event.data?.customProp); // <-- props are strongly typed
  return (
      className={classes.join(' ')}
        backgroundColor: event.color,
      onClick={() => onClick(event)}
      <div className="event-text-container">{event.summary}</div>
// include schedulely with the event data and the Event component over-ridden
  dark={colorMode === 'dark'}
  schedulelyComponents={{ eventComponent: CustomEvent }}

This can be particularly useful when creating custom Event and Day components that makes use of this custom data. Both Day/Event components provide a generic interface that can be used when defining them so type-safety is guaranteed.